many value them so much the brag about
getting one or post them in their lockers. The students realize that they
are noticed and their behavior is appreciated.
All these things together work together to give students
the confidence to come and talk when needed. Many times that something is
simply an adult to talk to, or someone to listen or give advice.
Sometimes its a breakup, sometimes family problems, personal problems,
class issues or to share good news. The result is the teacher understands
the student more and therefore the teacher is more empowered to teacher that
student is a way that is more successful. Or maybe the student will
respect the teacher more so when that same teacher needs to discuss grades or
behavior with the student, the student will respond more positively because
they know the teacher honestly cares about what is best for them. And
lets be honest, no matter how much work we put into that amazing lesson, what
the students really want to know is does the teacher really care about me or
The teacher wins to because it is so
satisfying to see the students succeed and come back and tell you how successful
they are and thank you for taking an interest in them and contributing to their